Friday, January 15, 2016

Flame Retardants 101

Flame Retardants

Flame Retardants are found throughout the household and everyday spaces. Flame retardants are found throughout the the polyester foam typically found in couches, chairs and bedding. Throughout my house I found very little evidence of TB 117 due to the lack of tags being found on the furniture but while searching through the house I found a tag on my Lane chair which contained the TB 117 tag on it. Many of our findings in our school system did not show a tag or the tag was ripped off. 

Throughout the course of Toxic Hot Seat we were able to learn that TB 117 as allowed for the chemicals of flame retardants to be found in the breast milk of woman. Throughout the film we learn that firefighters are at extreme risk in the chemical business, when a house is on fire the flame retardant becomes airborne and can cause fatal outcomes. The flame retardants are found throughout a household and really do not provide much of a security. They claim that is reduces that time a fire is lit by 12 seconds but that is not including the fabric that lights on fire, which drastically increases the time and makes the area much unsafer. 

A much more safer way to proctor people is to use natural items such as cotton, which is more protective and far less dangerous than PBDEs emitted from flame retardants. Throughout watching Toxic Hot Seat I payed close attention to Patricia Callahan and she said "When doing interviews that had to do with chemicals not flame retardants, I often ask what didn't I ask you or what is interesting, and they always say well what you really should be looking at flame retardants." Many health problems can be found through the flame retardants in foam that is located in couches, chairs and bedding.

The most dangerous item in my house or in many houses is most definitely the beds or the seats in an individuals car, the product that has the lowest health risk may be that of furniture you rarely use or small electronics that have been covered with flame retardant. The best alternative would be a more natural resource like tightly woven cotton or wool, but with that being more expensive, is unlikely to happen..

The sofa next to college counseling containing
foam in the padding of the couch

Here distinguishes TB 117 and TB117-2013

TB 117 findings at Proctor

Blue chairs found in the Library contained Foam and Polyester

Here is the a red chair in the Library which
through inspection no tags were found on this chair.
A TB 117 tag found on a bed in my house.

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